The War On Human Health - The Predatory Cancer Industry

Note: The information contained within the War on Human Health sections is merely a glance at some of the ways by which human health is under attack. It is by no means complete or comprehensive, and is only provided as a rough guide to promote further inquiry and study into these and other related topics. Please do not believe anything until you’ve confirmed its veracity for yourself, and please do not limit your research to that which I’ve presented here.

By continuing, you agree that you have read the Disclaimer.

Warning: This section contains some adult language.

Everything we’ve been told about cancer is wrong. Curing patients is not the cancer industry’s primary concern.

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The cancer industry is just another tentacle of the corrupt medical system, owned by the same criminal psychopathic families who own and control all of mainstream medicine. Each year, hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars are made on the tests, treatments, and procedures for cancer, while true survival rates have remained pathetically low for decades, and cancer rates have skyrocketed. The truth is there will NEVER be a cancer cure declared by the mainstream cancer industry. In fact, there is an aggressive effort to prevent people from discovering the fact that cures for cancer already exist. (Note: The word ‘cure’ does not refer to a magic bullet, but rather a treatment that has been shown to be effective when used in conjunction with other lifestyle changes.)

The cancer industry makes incredible amounts of money for itself, all while poisoning and mutilating people with ineffective and deadly treatments, greatly increasing the chances that those people will die slow, painful deaths.

The industry has been fantastically successful, thanks in part to subtle but effective propaganda against an uneducated and uninformed populace.

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The populace has been led to believe that cancer can only be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, and that a mainstream cure is “just around the corner”; it’s not.

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The standard treatments of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are procedures based on ignorance, fear, and malice, and they focus on attempting to treat the symptoms only, while ignoring the underlying causes of cancer.

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Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are incredibly destructive to human health. They cause more cancer, relapses, and hasten death.

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Dr. Michael Farley: Is Cancer REALLY a Cause of Death?

When cancer patients have surgery, or even a biopsy, the procedures can spread the cancer to other parts of the body

How Does Surgery Cause Cancer Cells to Spread by 250%?

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Radiation treatments cause more cancer, and cause cancer to become more aggressive.

Study: Radiation Therapy Can Make Cancers 30x More Malignant

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Chemotherapy drugs are incredibly toxic, and are carcinogenic themselves, damaging the immune system and causing secondary cancers, making it almost impossible for the body to heal.

Chemotherapy May Spread Cancer and Trigger More Aggressive Tumours, Warn Scientists

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"Treating cancer with chemotherapy is like treating alcoholism with vodka. It’s like treating heart disease with cheese, or diabetes with high-fructose corn syrup. Cancer cannot be cured by the very thing that causes it."

-Mike Adams,


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This understanding may be why the vast majority of cancer doctors admitted they would refuse chemotherapy if they had cancer; yet, they're recommending it to their patients all the time.

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75% of Doctors in the World Refuse Chemotherapy

Some medical professionals have spoken out.

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Studies have shown that untreated cancer patients live significantly longer than those who receive treatment. This is because the traditional treatments ravage the immune system, destroy organs, and serve to further toxify those who need to be aggressively detoxed.

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Rethinking Cancer: The Untreated Live Longer

If the mainstream treatments of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation worked, cancer wouldn’t be such a scary diagnosis. But they don’t.

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If you or I tried to sell a treatment for cancer that only worked 3% of the time, we would be accused of quackery and thrown in jail. Yet, those in the cancer industry are doing this all the time, and getting away with it. This is because it’s all about money. Everyone gets paid.

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Dr. Glidden admits that chemotherapy doesn’t work, and that it’s all about money. This is also why early detection is encouraged.

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But money is not the only goal. The cancer industry and its treatments serve to further poison, weaken, and literally remove the power from vast numbers of people. A sick, diseased, and dying populace is no threat to the control system and those who see humanity as nothing more than cattle to be slaughtered.

Cures Already Exist

True cancer treatments that help lead to cures have been used successfully for hundreds and some for thousands of years, but we don’t hear about them on television or from mainstream doctors. This is because widespread knowledge of cures would topple the ever-growing multi-billion dollar cancer industry, and put an end to the mass poisoning, suffering, and death.

As Dr. Sachin Patel stated, we won’t have a cure for diseases until we first have a cure for greed.

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In fact, if anyone speaks of any cancer cures, they're criticized, censored, and attacked, in order to protect the industry, the vast amounts of money being made, and darker motives. Their multi-billion dollar business feeding off people's suffering and death depends on people remaining ignorant.

Information on effective cancer treatments has been suppressed going all the way back to the 1950s.

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But there is hope. People, in very small pockets, are beginning to awaken to the lies of the cancer industry and come to the understanding that cures do exist. The Internet along with a number of brave doctors, scientists, and whistleblowers have helped to spread this information. Cancer is Curable Now is one documentary that’s helping to disseminate the truth.

Other documentaries that explore the ugly truth about the cancer industry include...

Cancer: The Forbidden Cures

The Truth About Cancer series

The fact is that everyone's body has the ability to heal itself from cancer, once the offending conditions are removed (Some Cancers May Just Go Away). The body also sometimes needs some assistance.

What follows are some of the treatments that those in the industry are desperate to keep hidden from people. Please note that I’m forced to mention that these treatments have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases. However, in spite of this, there is overwhelming evidence that these treatments are effective, when combined with changes that deal with the underlying cause of the cancer. Do your own research and discover who's lying to you and who's telling you the truth for yourself.

Cannabis Oil – Rick Simpson discovered that cannabis oil cured his cancer and the cancers of everyone he gave it to. Many others have successfully used cannabis oil to cure their cancers, including this brave girl, Mykayla, whose website is

Rife Frequency Therapy – Raymond Rife invented a frequency machine that cured cancer with a 100% success rate. He was viciously attacked by the mainstream medical industry and his invention was suppressed. Nowadays, does anyone talk about him, his invention, and what it can do?

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Vitamin B17 – Also known as Laetrile, Vitamin B17 exists in raw, bitter apricot kernels, and has been shown to be effective at curing cancer.

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Gerson Therapy – Dr. Max Gerson developed a treatment plan that gives one’s body the power to heal itself from cancer, using organic foods, juices, detoxification, and supplements.

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Essiac Tea – Rene Caisse learned of a Native American recipe that used simple herbs made into a tea that cured cancer, refined it to be even more effective, and provided it at her clinic. Her clinic was quickly shut down.

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Nutritional Overload – Simply changing one's diet to overload on nutrition with raw vegetables, fruits, juices, smoothies, and other health-promoting foods has cured many people of cancer, as doing this helps to rebuild the immune system and gives the body everything it needs to heal itself. Chris Wark of understands this, as he used this method to cure his own late-stage cancer.

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Antineoplastons – Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski has cured hundreds, if not thousands of terminally ill cancer patients using an innovative therapy. He has even successfully cured childhood brain tumors that mainstream medicine claims are incurable. The FDA and other authorities have repeatedly attacked Dr. Burzynski but his results have consistently stood up in court.

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And this is just a small sampling of the many cures that already exist.

So where are all the scientific studies showing these treatments cure cancer? They don't exist, but there’s a reason for that. Those pulling the strings of the mainstream cancer industry know that natural cures exist, but because they're natural, they know that they cannot make any money from them. If there's no money to be made in studying something, then no one is willing to invest any money or resources to do any serious studies. Additionally, those who attempt to buck the status quo by studying alternative treatments are often met with resistance from those higher in the power pyramid.

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A single widely-publicized study declaring a cure or even an effective natural treatment would destroy the entire cancer industry. Many thousands of people, organizations, corporations, and groups would lose their jobs, their careers, their businesses, and their wealth. Textbooks would need to be rewritten. Schools would need to be shut down. Trillions of dollars of current and future profits would be wiped out. And the mass poisoning and mutilating of millions of innocent people would come to an end. This is why we will NEVER hear about there being a cure, or even an effective natural treatment for cancer from the mainstream medical industry, or the mainstream media, in its current form today.

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Instead, they work night and day to suppress this information.

However, there are many studies that show that a number of natural compounds kill cancer cells. Hundreds, if not thousands of studies are available for review on, demonstrating powerful anti-cancer properties of Cannabis, Vitamin B17, Vitamin C, and many other natural substances. But that's where the research and publicity end, because that’s where the money ends, and those in control of the industry aren't interested in people healing themselves.

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Again, violence and threats of violence are used to silence those who speak the truth too loudly, or actually help people cure themselves.

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Meanwhile, the cancer industry and its charities are more than willing to tell people that “A cure is just around the corner!”, which is something they've been saying for over 50 years. They tell everyone that they just need a little bit more of our money to find a cure. This is nonsense; they're stealing well-meaning people's money and making themselves and their friends richer while they actively suppress known cures.

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Organizations like the American Cancer Society, Alex's Lemonade Stand, and Susan G. Komen's Race for the Cure prey upon people who’ve been led to believe that their donations and efforts will help find a cure. But all they’re doing is enriching those who are already making massive profits from people’s misery and death.

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Chris Beat Cancer: Shocking Facts About Susan G. Komen For The Cure

Millions of well-meaning people with great intentions are being deceived, and are simply giving free money to corrupt and already filthy-rich pharmaceutical companies and deceptive cancer charities, while those companies and charities actively work to suppress actual cures.

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People who volunteer for and donate to mainstream cancer charities are victims of a massive criminal scam.

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Other mainstream organizations like the NFL help promote the pink ribbon propaganda agenda. The more pink ribbons and products people buy, the richer those in the industry become, and the more Lamborghinis and mansions they can afford. The NFL has now switched over to its "crucial catch" campaign. Only they don't tell anyone the only thing people will be catching is more cancer.

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The cancer industry assumes the people are so ignorant, they’re willing to put their pink ribbons on toxic foods and other poisonous products that help cause cancer.

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Mammograms are another scam used against a gullible public, causing even more cancer as well as false diagnoses. Mammograms subject sensitive tissue to ionizing radiation, the very same radiation that's been shown to cause cancer. Each mammogram subjects a woman to the same amount of dangerous radiation as approximately 200 x-rays. So over just a ten year period, a woman who gets a yearly mammogram will have been exposed to about 2000 x-rays’ worth of radiation.

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The result is more breast cancer, and more money for the industry and its investors, and more suffering and death for innocent women everywhere.

Thermography is many times more effective at detecting disturbances within the breasts compared to mammography. Not only can thermograms detect disease much earlier than mammograms, but thermograms do not subject the breasts to dangerous ionizing radiation.

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PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) exams are a standard preventive procedure for men, but they’re another fraud, having been found to be useless and even harmful.

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And anyone with just a bit of nutrition knowledge and common sense can tell that poisonous foods like McDonald’s milkshakes will not help anyone heal from cancer surgery. Cancer has been shown to feed on processed sugar, and many of the fake food products recommended here are full of it, along with a cocktail of additional poisons. Yet this is what cancer doctors are handing to their patients after cancer surgery. It’s unconscionable.

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To learn more, there are a number of good books, videos, and websites that contain more information about the criminal cancer industry, and the cures that already exist. Some worth looking into include:

The Truth About Cancer

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The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest - Episode 1


Cancer is Curable Now

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Cancer Is Curable Now


Cancer: The Forbidden Cures

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Cancer: The Forbidden Cures


Cancer: Step Outside the Box

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Cancer: Step Outside the Box


The Root Cause of Cancer - How to Begin Healing from Within

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The Root Cause of Cancer - How to Begin Healing from Within


Burzynski – Cancer Is Serious Business

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Burzynski - Cancer Is Serious Business


Outsmart Your Cancer-Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work

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Outsmart Your Cancer - Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work - 2nd Edition

The Internet has a lot of misinformation put out by the industry and its protectors, but it also has a lot of good, truthful information on the true nature of the cancer industry. YouTube used to be a good resource for a number of years, but censorship has changed that. As a result, people may need to begin looking at other video sites (e.g.,,,, or go directly to the websites of the health professionals themselves.

A few additional recommended resources are,, and Jason Christoff has also created a useful page explaining exactly what he'd do if he were diagnosed with cancer:

In conclusion, the cancer industry isn’t interested in healing anyone, but rather making as much money as possible, while at the same time spreading widespread fear, disease, misery, and death.

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The best advice when it comes to one’s health is to avoid mainstream doctors and hospitals as much as possible. Instead, educate yourself, and come into harmony with nature by consuming natural foods, juices, herbs, and using natural treatments and remedies. And detox from and reject the many poisons directed at us by the government and its owners. When people work with nature, their bodies respond and begin to heal themselves.

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The answer is found in nature – not in a laboratory. This is what they don’t want people to know.

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